A lineage of wisdom:
Seven Foundations of storytelling

Your Voice
What inspires you?...and how to inspire others
Which stories move you?...and how to touch hearts of others
What are your vocal strengths, and range of tone and styles?
What is the story you wish to craft and share with the world?
Foundations of psychology that engage audiences
Styles of storytelling that engage listeners
Inviting your audience to take a journey with you
Creating compelling stories that connect with the room

Storytelling Structure
How to...
Design engaging narrative arcs for your stories
Build towards dramatic high points and climaxes
Create patterns of building suspense and releasing tension
Craft intentional space for improvisation and tone shifts
Construct story-beats to meet your goals of inspiring, empathizing, evoking feeling, educating, influencing
Speaking from the heart
Learn to...
Access wisdom of the heart as your story foundation
Share vulnerably & speak your truth​
Identify performative tendencies that create blocks
Express your stories in a natural and organic tone​​
Cultivate stories that resonate with your values ​

Speaking With Presence & Poise
Stage Presence - Embodying confidence in body and voice
Body Language - That evokes the full spectrum of emotions
Pausing & Silence - The most powerful storytelling skills
Movement & Stillness - To increase energy and curiosity
Voice Projection & Tone - Giving your words meaning
Belief - That your life wisdom can inspire and impact lives​
Evoking Wonder
Hope & Possibility - Painting a vision of what can be ​
Inspiration - Sparking desire for people to embody their wisest selves​
Meaning & Purpose - Stories that inspire living a fulfilling life
Positive Psychology - Benefits of integrating into storytelling
Wonder - Tapping into imagination, creativity and play

honoring the Storytelling Lineage
Honoring storytelling as a tradition of...
Celebrating Differences - Sharing our unique paths brings us closer together
Empathy - Cultivating the skill to open our hearts to the experiences of other ages, genders, ethnicities and faiths
Humanity - We all have an innate need to share & feel heard
Humbleness - A sense of dignity and respect for all stories
Learning - We listen to learn from the experiences of others
Wisdom - Every person, regardless of age and circumstance, has something to offer